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We're thrilled to announce our latest project, "GEOMAZE - The Urban Quest Game,” a cutting-edge augmented reality experience, now officially submitted for Google’s Immersive Geospatial Challenge!

🚀 What's GEOMAZE?

Imagine turning the city streets into an interactive, educational, and thrilling maze. GEOMAZE does just that, encouraging exploration, physical activity, and offering a deep dive into the local landmarks' history.

🔍 Why It's Unique:

• Augmented Reality Labyrinth: Using Google Geospatial Creator and Scene Semantics API, we've overlaid virtual pathways on city streets, creating an engaging labyrinth.

• Educational Insights: As players navigate, they uncover fascinating historical insights about each landmark.

• Interactive Challenges: From puzzles to time trials, GEOMAZE is more than just a walk; it's an adventure that tests your mind and body.

🛠️ Behind the Scenes:

Our journey in building this was filled with learning and innovation. We've seamlessly blended digital elements with the real world. Plus, the scalability of this project means any city can transform into a GEOMAZE!

🌍 What's Next?

We're already exploring deeper integrations with Google Maps API, expanding the labyrinths, and adding even more immersive elements.

🙌 A Big Thank You:

This project was a team effort, and I want to shout out to everyone at Wonderment by Design™ who turned this vision into reality. Also, a huge thanks to the Google AR & VR team for providing such an innovative platform for creators like us.

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