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Training Empathy
VR inclusivity with Deloitte

My reality is not your reality

How do you make people aware of the often unconscious biases they exhibit by projecting their own experiences onto others?


This intriguing question immediately triggered our creative thinking when the Deloitte inclusivity team approached us.

Together, we developed a shared, multiplayer VR experience deeply integrated into the Deloitte inclusivity training workshop, focusing on higher management.

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Shared VR

In this experience, shaped like a teambuilding exercise, 2 participants have to work together to complete a simple task.


The both share the same environment and have the same task. But for one of the participants the task is more difficult in many subtle ways. Leading to frustration and misunderstanding that closely resembles situations in real life.

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Lighthearted seriousness

Inclusiveness and bias are topics that can easily lead to heavy emotion and polarization. By introducing a lighthearted, fun experience, but also one where winning was not even an option, the workshop manages to clearly convey the point that you can't see what other people see, opening the door to deeper and more serious topics.

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Exploring realities?

Curious about how mixed or virtual reality could open new business opportunities for you? Don't hesitate to schedule a brainstorming or concept workshop with us. Together, we can explore the potential applications of these technologies and find the perfect reality that meet your needs.

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